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Англо-русский политический словарь - slide


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Перевод с английского языка slide на русский

1. n

спад; падение (курса акций и т.п.)

uncontrollable slide in the economy

2. v

падать; снижаться; ухудшаться

to slide into recession — испытывать экономический спад

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См. в других словарях

  1) салазки; каретка; суппорт2) подвижный рабочий орган (станка)3) ползун4) направляющая (станка)5) долбяк; штоссель6) ползушка; движок7) кулисный камень8) золотник9) перемещение, плавное перемещение; скольжение || перемещать, перемещаться; скользить10) предметное стекло (микроскопа)•to slide outadditional slideadjustable slideadjustable angle slideangular slideapron slideaxial slideback-end finish slideballscrew slidebearing slideblankholder slideboring slideboring spindle slidebottom slidebroach slidebroach-handling slidecammed slidecapstan slidecapstan turret holder slideclamping slideclosed slideCNC slidecompound slidecompound top slidecompound resttop slidecontouring slidecross slidecutoff slidecutter slidecutter head slidedouble-action slidedouble-action slidesdovetail slidedown-feed slidedual slidesend slideend-working slideend-working tool slidefacing slidefinish slidefloating slidefront slidegang-type slidegenerating slidegibbed slidegravity slidegripping slidehandling slidehead slidehob slidehydrostatic slideinner slideinserter slideinverted vee slidelateral slidelateral cross slidelinear slideslongitudinal slidemachining slidemain slidemating slidesmicrometer slidemiddle slidemilling slidemoving slidemutliple-tool slideorthogonal slideouter slideoverhead broach slideparting tool slidepart-off slideplaner head slideplunger slideplunger inner slidepneumostatic slidespress slideprismatic slideprofiling slidepulling slidepunch slideradial facing slideradial outfacing slideram slideram-head slideram-type cutter slideram-type spindle sliderear slideretriever slideroller slideserrated slideservo slideside slideside head cross slidesliding boring slidespindle head slidestacked slidestar wheel slidestraight/angular wheel slidessubminiature slidessurfacing wheel slideswivel slidetable slidestailstock slidetangential...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  over слегка касаться (чего-л.); обходить (что-л.) The politician tried to slide over the delicate subject. SLIDE out  а) незаметно выскальзывать Can you slide out of the room without the chairman seeing you?  б) ускользнуть, избежать (чего-л. нежелательного) You cant slide out of your responsibility in this matter. SLIDE into постепенно впадать в какое-л. состояние, незаметно привыкать к чему-л. You have slid into a bad habit of repeating yourself. SLIDE round слегка касаться (чего-л.); обходить (что-л.) Dont allow the chairman to slide round that urgent mutter, it must be dealt with at once. SLIDE rule = sliding rule SLIDE  1. noun  1) скольжение  2) ледяная гора или дорожка; каток  3) спускной желоб; наклонная плоскость  4) оползень  5) диапозитив; слайд  6) предметное стекло (микроскопа)  7) затворная рама пулемета  8) tech. скользящая часть механизма; салазки; золотник  9) attr. slide lecture - лекция, сопровождаемая демонстрацией диапозитивов  2. v.  1) скользить; to slide over delicate questions - обойти щекотливые вопросы  2) кататься по льду  3) поскользнуться; выскользнуть  4) незаметно проходить мимо; красться; the years slide past/by - годы проходят незаметно  5) незаметно переходить из одного состояния в другое  6) вдвигать, всовывать, засовывать, задвигать; to slide the drawer into its place - задвинуть ящик (шкафа, комода) - slide by - slide into - slide out - slide...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. скольжение to have a slide on the ice —- скользить по льду; прокатиться по (на) льду 2. ровный, гладкий ход 3. каток; ледяная гора, дорожка 4. детская горка (для катания на ковриках) 5. спускной желоб; наклонная плоскость 6. ам. деревянный лесоспуск, канал (для сплава леса) 7. ползунок, зажим (на молнии и т. п.) 8. диапозитив, слайд 9. фот. кассета 10. предметное стекло (микроскопа) (также object slide) 11. тех. скользящая часть механизма; ползун; движок (прибора) 12. тех. салазки, каретка 13. тех. золотник 14. спец. шлиф 15. геол. оползень 16. спорт. слайд (подвижное сиденье гоночной лодки) 17. скользить; двигаться плавно the book slid off my knee —- книга соскользнула у меня с колен the bottle slid from his hand —- бутылка выскользнула у него из рук the car slid up to the house —- автомобиль плавно подъехал к дому he slid forward on his stomach —- он пополз вперед на животе to slide downhill on a sledge —- съехать с горы на санках to slide down a slope (a rope) —- скатиться с откоса (соскользнуть по веревке) boys slide down the banisters —- мальчишки скатываются по перилам (катаются на перилах) 18. двигать плавно he slid the car to the curb —- он плавно подкатил на автомобиле к тротуару 19. скользить по льду и т. п. a boat slides through the water —- лодка скользит по воде 20. поскользнуться I...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) предметное стекло 2) микроскопический препарат slide with a ground cell — предметное стекло с лункой – blood slide – cavity slide – glass slide – microscope slide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. понижение, снижение, уменьшение 2. гл. 1) скользить 2) понизиться (о ценах) (down) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) движковый 2) движок 3) диапозитив 4) задвижка 5) направляющая 6) ползун 7) предметное стекло 8) раздвигать 9) салазки 10) склиз 11) скольжение 12) скользить 13) слайд 14) соскальзывать 15) соскользнуть 16) сползание 17) сползать 18) суппорт circular slide rule — счетный диск gate-type slide valve — плоский шибер overlap of slide valve — перекрытие золотника pantograph slide shoe — лыжа пантографа slide roof beam — выдвижной верхняк slide rule nomogram — номограмма типа логарифмической линейки - 3-D slide - chock slide - direction slide - eye-piece slide - parallax slide - seat slide - set slide to - slide balance - slide block - slide control - slide gate - slide projector - slide reflection - slide rule - slide shoe - slide switch - slide valve - slide wire - snow slide - tool slide - wedge slide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  скольжение оползень block slide bottleneck slide flow slide log slide retrogressive-thaw flow slide rock slide rotational slide shear slide ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) скольжение; проскальзывание скользить; проскальзывать 2) горн. направляющая клети 3) салазки; каретка; суппорт 4) направляющая (станка); подвижный рабочий орган (станка) 5) ползун 6) золотник 7) пресс-шток; пресс-штемпель 8) лесн. наклонный лоток (с плоским дном) 9) диапозитив, слайд 10) кассета (для фотопластинок) 11) штанга сдвига гребёнок (основовязальной машины) 12) предметное стекло (микроскопа) 13) выдвижная планка (логарифмической линейки) 14) оползень; снежная лавина - assembler slide - bale slide - brake regulator slide - circle slide - color slide - core slides - cross slide - cutoff slide - dark slide - die slide - double dark slide - earth slide - escape slide - facing slide - floating slide - grinding wheel slide - lower knife slide - main slide - master slide - micrometer slide - milling slide - motorized slide - multiple-tool slide - pantograph slide - parting tool slide - photographic slide - pi slide - picture slide - pipe slide - pneumostatic slides - presser slide - pulling slide - rock slide - safety slide - serrated slide - side head cross slide - single dark slide - tool slide - upper slide - wheel slide - wide-screen slide ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. slid) 1 a intr. move along a smooth surface with continuous contact on the same part of the thing moving (cf. ROLL). b tr. cause to do this (slide the drawer into place). 2 intr. move quietly; glide; go smoothly along. 3 intr. pass gradually or imperceptibly. 4 intr. glide over ice on one or both feet without skates (under gravity or with momentum got by running). 5 intr. (foll. by over) barely touch upon (a delicate subject etc.). 6 intr. & tr. (often foll. by into) move or cause to move quietly or unobtrusively (slid his hand into mine). 7 intr. take its own course (let it slide). --n. 1 a the act or an instance of sliding. b a rapid decline. 2 an inclined plane down which children, goods, etc., slide; a chute. 3 a a track made by or for sliding, esp. on ice. b a slope prepared with snow or ice for tobogganing. 4 a part of a machine or instrument that slides, esp. a slide-valve. 5 a a thing slid into place, esp. a piece of glass holding an object for a microscope. b a mounted transparency usu. placed in a projector for viewing on a screen. 6 Brit. = hair-slide. 7 a part or parts of a machine on or between which a sliding part works. Phrases and idioms let things slide be negligent; allow deterioration. slide fastener US a zip-fastener. slide-rule a ruler with a sliding central strip, graduated logarithmically for making rapid calculations, esp. multiplication and division. slide-valve a sliding piece that opens and closes an aperture by sliding across it. sliding door a door drawn across an aperture on a slide, not turning on hinges. sliding keel Naut. a centreboard. sliding roof a part of a roof (esp. in a motor car) made able to slide and so form an aperture. sliding scale a scale of fees, taxes, wages, etc., that varies as a whole in accordance with variation of some standard. sliding seat a seat able to slide to and fro on runners etc., esp. in a racing-boat to adjust the length of a stroke. Derivatives slidable adj. slidably adv. slider n. Etymology: OE slidan ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (slid; sliding)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English slidan; akin to Middle High German sliten to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move smoothly along a surface ; slip  b. to coast over snow or ice  c. of a base runner in baseball to fall or dive feetfirst or headfirst when approaching a base  2.  a. to slip or fall by loss of footing  b. to change position or become dislocated ; shift  3.  a. to slither along the ground ; crawl  b. to stream along ; flow  4.  a. to move or pass smoothly or easily slid into the prepared speech  b. to pass unnoticed or unremarked let the criticism ~  5.  a. to pass unobtrusively ; steal  b. to pass by gradations especially downward the economy slid from recession to depression  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to glide or slip  b. to traverse in a sliding manner  2. to put unobtrusively or stealthily slid the bill into his hand  II. noun  Date: 1570  1.  a. an act or instance of sliding  b.  (1) a musical grace of two or more small notes  (2) portamento  2. a sliding part or mechanism: as  a.  (1) a U-shaped section of tube in the trombone that is pushed out and in to produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics  (2) a short U-shaped section of tube in a brass instrument that is used to adjust the pitch of the instrument or of individual valves  b.  (1) a moving piece (as the ram of a punch press) that is guided by a part along which it ~s  (2) a guiding surface (as a feeding mechanism) along which something ~s  c. sliding seat  3.  a. the descent of a mass of earth, rock, or snow down a hill or mountainside  b. a dislocation in which one rock mass in a mining lode has slid on another ; fault  4.  a.  (1) a slippery surface for coasting  (2) a chute with a slippery bed down which children ~ in play  b. a channel or track on which something is slid  c. a sloping trough down which objects are carried by gravity a log ~  5.  a. a flat piece of glass or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (slides, sliding, slid) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When something slides somewhere or when you slide it there, it moves there smoothly over or against something. She slid the door open... I slid the wallet into his pocket... Tears were sliding down his cheeks. VERB: V n with adj, V n prep/adv, V prep/adv 2. If you slide somewhere, you move there smoothly and quietly. He slid into the driver’s seat... VERB: V prep/adv 3. To slide into a particular mood, attitude, or situation means to gradually start to have that mood, attitude, or situation often without intending to. She had slid into a depression... = slip VERB: V into n 4. If currencies or prices slide, they gradually become worse or lower in value. (JOURNALISM) The US dollar continued to slide... Shares slid 11p to 293p after brokers downgraded their profit estimates... VERB: V, V amount • Slide is also a noun. ...the dangerous slide in oil prices. N-COUNT 5. A slide is a small piece of photographic film which you project onto a screen so that you can see the picture. ...a slide show. N-COUNT 6. A slide is a piece of glass on which you put something that you want to examine through a microscope. N-COUNT 7. A slide is a piece of playground equipment that has a steep slope for children to go down for fun. N-COUNT 8. If you let something slide, you allow it to get into a worse state or condition by not attending to it. The company had let environmental standards slide. PHRASE: let inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle slid, 1 to move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch it, or to make something move in this way + along/across/down etc  (The kids were sliding on the ice.) slide sth across/along etc  (Peter slid his glass across the table.) 2 T always + adv/prep to move somewhere quietly without being noticed, or to move something in this way + into/out of etc  (Daniel slid out of the room when no one was looking.) slide sth into/out of etc  (She slid a gun into her pocket.) 3 if prices etc slide, they become lower  (When will the government take action to support the sliding pound?) 4 let sth slide to let a situation get gradually worse, without trying to stop it  (Simon had really let things slide and the house was a mess.) ~2 n 1 »FOR CHILDREN« a large structure for children to slide down at a playground 2 »FOR HAIR« a small metal or plastic object that holds your hair in place 3 »MOVEMENT« a sliding movement across a surface  (The car went into a slide on the surface.) 4 »PICTURE« a small piece of film in a frame that shows a picture on a screen1 (2a) when you shine light through it  (Don't you want to see my slides of Korea?) 5 »PRICE/AMOUNT« a fall in prices, amounts etc  (a slide in living standards) 6 »IN SCIENCE« a small piece of thin glass used for holding something when you look at it under a microscope 7 »MUSIC« a part of a machine or musical instrument, such as the U-shaped tube of a trombone 8 »EARTH/SNOW« AmE a sudden fall of earth, stones, snow etc down a slope  (- see also landslide) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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